
QFT part 5: adjustable number of qubits

As continued from QFT part 4 , the number of qubits is now adjustable.

NQubit = 3 and 4 are working correctly.

I think I made a mistake and updated on 1st of May, 2021.

namespace QFT_naive {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Math;
operation SayHello() : Unit {
let nQubit = 4;
let maxNum = PowI(2,nQubit);
mutable counts = new Int[maxNum];
mutable theta = new Double[maxNum];

for iQubit in 0..(nQubit-1){
set theta w/= iQubit <- calcTheta(IntAsDouble(iQubit+1));

for trian in 1..1000 {
use input = Qubit[nQubit] {
// 1/sqrt(8) (|000> + |001> + ,,, + |111>)
for iQubit in 0..(nQubit-1){

// Star QFT
for iQubit in 0..(nQubit-1){
for jQubit in 1..(nQubit-1-iQubit){
(Controlled R1)([input[jQubit+iQubit]],(theta[jQubit],input[iQubit]));
//(Controlled R1)([input[1]],(theta[1],input[0]));
//(Controlled R1)([input[2]],(theta[2],input[0]));
//(Controlled R1)([input[2]],(theta[1],input[1]));


let numLoopSwap = Floor(IntAsDouble(nQubit)*0.5);

for iQubit in 0..(numLoopSwap-1) {

let res = MultiM(input);
let bit = ResultArrayAsInt(res);
set counts w/= bit <- counts[bit]+ 1;
for j in 0..(maxNum-1) {
function calcTheta(l : Double) : Double {
return 2.0*PI()/(PowD(2.0,l));

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