
Jug, Parallel framework in Python

 Minor tips for problems I was into in Jug, a parallel computing framework in Python.
I may be wrong, and if you know I misunderstand, please leave comments:

  1. Tasks can be created only outside functions.
    Probably, this is common to create the main function with, if __name__ = __main__: main()
    I did this, and called functions decorated with @TaskGenerator. However, jug could not launch tasks that are created in the main function. Instead, when I remove the main function, and write lines on the ground level (no indent level), the same code worked.
  2. Multi-node parallelism can be achieved by just running "jug execute XXX.py" if the directory which stores the python code is shared by NFS. I could not find any clear comment on this, and I wondered how I can achieve multi-node parallelism.
  3. An atomic operation for File I/O can be achieved by creating a function decorated with @TaskGenerator. According to the summary of Jug, such a function is executed once. So, we can use it for an atomic operation.
Otherwise, I think Jug is excellent, and easy to use!

Still a question:
I do not know what jugfile can do.
On page17 of the documentation(https://jug.readthedocs.io/_/downloads/en/latest/pdf/), a post-process script import jugfile. I think the tasks in the main script make outputs to the jugfile, but do not know how to do.


Upper and lower limit in matplotlib contourf

When the data range in matplotlib contourf does not correspond to the range of colorbar, matplotlib automatically adjust the range, even when set_clim is set manually.
(In other words, I needed a fixed colorbar regardless of the data)
The solution is set "levels" as follows;

interval = np.linspace(2.5,4.5, num=32, endpoint=True)
img=plt.contourf(LON, LAT, DATA,
cmap = "jet",