
Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT) on Q# (3 qubits) Part2

 QFT with three qubits is implemented in Q#.
The last post was to initialize the original state (entangled over three qubits).
I feel the measurement part should be as this post (the last one is incorrect).

Formulation is;

The result is;
|000>: 1000, others: 0.
This agrees with the result of the above site :)!

namespace QFT_naive {
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays;

    operation SayHello() : Unit {
        Message("Hello quantum world!");
        mutable counts = new Int[8];
        mutable nres0 = 0;
        mutable nres1 = 0;
        mutable nres2 = 0;

        for(trian in 1..1000){
        using ( (input) = (Qubit[3] ) ){
            // 1/sqrt(8) (|000> + |001> + ,,, + |111>)

            // Star QFT
            // R1 = Z, R2=S, R3=T
            (Controlled S)([input[1]],input[0]);
            (Controlled T)([input[2]],input[0]);

            (Controlled S)([input[2]],input[1]);


            //CNOT(input[0], input[2]);
            //CNOT(input[2], input[0]);
            //CNOT(input[0], input[2]);

            // Start Measuring
            let res0 = M(input[0]);
            let res1 = M(input[1]);
            let res2 = M(input[2]);
            if (res0 == Zero){
                set nres0 = 0;
                set nres0 = 1;
            if (res1 == Zero){
                set nres1 = 0;
                set nres1 = 1;
            if (res2 == Zero){
                set nres2 = 0;
                set nres2 = 1;
            let bit = nres0 + nres1*2 + nres2*4;
            set counts w/= bit <- counts[bit]+ 1;
        for (j in 0..7) {

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