I have failed to compile 3.8.2 because of the "moc invalid argument" error.
I am trying 3.6.4 with the following commands.
yum install gperf
I am trying 3.6.4 with the following commands.
yum install gperf
yum install qhull-devel
yum install suitesparse-devel
yum install fltk-devel
yum install libcurl-devel
yum install qscintilla-devel
yum install hdf5-devel
yum install glpk-devel
yum install arpack-devel
yum install qrupdate-devel
yum install fftw-devel
yum install GraphicsMagick-c++-devel
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export F77=gfortran
export FFLAGS="-O3 -march=native"
export CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native"
export CPPFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -I/opt/ACML/5.3.1/gfortran64_mp/include"
export LDFLAGS="-fopenmp -L/opt/ACML/5.3.1/gfortran64_mp/lib/ -L/opt/ACML/5.3.1/gfortran64_mp/lib/"
./configure --with-blas="-lrt -ldl -lstdc++ -lgfortran -lacml_mp" --with-lapack="-lrt -ldl -lstdc++ -lgfortran -lacml_mp" --prefix=/opt/OCTABVE/3.6.4
export CXX=g++
export F77=gfortran
export FFLAGS="-O3 -march=native"
export CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native"
export CPPFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -I/opt/ACML/5.3.1/gfortran64_mp/include"
export LDFLAGS="-fopenmp -L/opt/ACML/5.3.1/gfortran64_mp/lib/ -L/opt/ACML/5.3.1/gfortran64_mp/lib/"
./configure --with-blas="-lrt -ldl -lstdc++ -lgfortran -lacml_mp" --with-lapack="-lrt -ldl -lstdc++ -lgfortran -lacml_mp" --prefix=/opt/OCTABVE/3.6.4
make check (it fails on the line for imagemagick. but otherwise, it works)
make install
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