import geopy
import geopy.point as point
import geopy.distance as distance
import math
#clat, clon: epicenter
#smajax, sminax: major/minor axis length in km
#strike; direction of the major axis from north
#numVer: number of points of ellipse.
def calcEllipse(clat,clon,smajax,sminax,strike,numVer):
dDeg = 0.1
rot = -strike * math.pi/180.0
points = []
# Calc the length per deg around the center [km] / [deg]
dlat = distance.distance((clat,clon),(clat+dDeg,clon )).km;
dlng = distance.distance((clat,clon),(clat ,clon+dDeg)).km;
dTheta = (360.0/numVer);
i = 0.0
while i <= 360.001:
y = smajax * math.cos(i * math.pi/180);
x = sminax * math.sin(i * math.pi/180);
lng = (x*math.cos(rot)-y*math.sin(rot))/dlat*dDeg; #Recover in deg
lat = (y*math.cos(rot)+x*math.sin(rot))/dlon*dDeg;
i = i+dTheta;
return points